اسپاگتی با اسفناج

اسپاگتی بااسفناج و پنیر پارمسان


اسفناج یخ زده رو با کارد چند تکه کردم.پیاز و سیر رو هم جداگانه با کره تفت دادم و با اسفناج اضافه کردم البته وقتی‌ آب اسفناج گرفته شد به علاوه پنیر رکلت اضافه کردم و کمی‌ هم عصاره سبزیجات اضافه کردم
.  نمک و فلفل و جوز هندی و کمی خامه ریختمو خیلی زود خاموش کردم.

باید حواستن باشه که به موقع اسپاکتی رو هم آماده کنید که وقتی سس تون آماده می شه یه دفعه سرو کنید.  میتونید وقتی‌ سرو کردین روغن زیتون و پنیر پارمسان رو هم روی اسپاگتی بریزین
مرحله آخر نوش جان

1 comment:

jeerjeerak said...

this looks really good. i like spinach alot, and of course who doesn't like pasta with good cheese... I will try making this myself as soon as i find the cheese you Swiss gal used!;) I might add some cherry tomato to it as well, just to add to the color palate.

About Me

I'm Proshat, the queen behind Proshat Kitchen. I've never attended a cooking class, although I'd love to. My cooking knowledge mostly comes from my lovely mom, a master chef in our family, and also leaning by doing. I really love this wonderful science and I'm still fascinated by it. I’m a senior researcher in energy and economy, recently finished my Ph.D. So I am not an expert cook, please do not refer my blog as a professional source. I start blogging as a way to keep track of my progress in the kitchen and to get rid of the pile of printed recipes with hand written notes. I mostly write about my general experiences and my baking adventures. I love trying new combos in our everyday bread. On my blog you will find lots of classic recipes with a personal touch. Except my husband, a couple of close friends are my main testers. Love you all!! If you have a recipe you'd like me to feature on my blog, drop me a line. I would also love to hear your thoughts. I'm so happy you took the time to visit my blog; it means so much to be. Hope you'll visit again soon :) Love, Proshat

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